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Scenic Sampler by Heartstring Samplery


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A more gentle and peaceful version of Beth's Scary Sampler! This time the piece includes references to some of her favorite sweet and happy things remembered from books, movies and TV shows.

Also available separately - custom bobbins to match the sampler. Each bobbin is big enough to hold 4 of the 12 colors.

Stitch Count: 247 x 215

Model Fabric: 36 count Up in the Attic by Fox and Rabbit
(or whatever fabric you prefer)


Weeks Dye Works: Cayenne, Charcoal, Chestnut, Chrysanthemum, Collards (x 3), Sanguine, Seagull

Classic Colorworks: Brown Hen, Honeycomb, Lighthouse, Mossy (x 3), Poblano Pepper

Scenic Sampler by Heartstring Samplery
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