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2022 Summer Cross Stitch Camp

This year we’re celebrating our second annual Cross Stitch Camp for anyone who would like to participate. I hope you’ll join us!

Here are the details:

  • It’s a virtual camp. You can participate from the comfort of your own home. (No mosquitoes!)
  • You can join us for one month, for two months, or for all three months.
  • There is a different challenge for each month - see below.
  • The goal is to have fun, meet some new stitchy friends, and get some projects done!


The Challenges

  • June: Stitch something that celebrates a holiday. It can be any holiday you want.
  • July: Stitch something that you can finish (later) into something other than a framed piece.
  • August: Try something new to you. New designer, or new threads, or new fabric, or stitches.


The Rules

  • You need to start your new project on the first of the month (or later)
  • You need to finish your stitching by the last day of the month (or earlier)
  • To be entered into the prize drawings as a participant, you need to post a picture of your supplies on Instagram on the first of the month (or later). Please don’t show actual charts. Just your fabric, threads, and the pattern cover. In your photo description, please add: #crossstitchcamp2022 and #coloradocrossstitcher
  • To be entered into the prize drawings as a finisher, you need to post a picture of your finished project on Instagram. (Stitching done. Does not have to be framed or any other type of fully finishing.) In your photo description, please add: #crossstitchcamp2022 and #coloradocrossstitcher
  • If I (ColoradoCrossStitcher) have “liked” your photo post, then you know I have seen it and you’re on my list!


Commonly Asked Questions

  • I don’t use Instagram. How else can I participate? You’re welcome to participate and stitch along anyway! Instagram is the social media of record for Cross Stitch Camp (because I need an easy way to track everything.) But that’s just for the prize drawings. If you just want to stitch along, do so and don’t worry about the picture posting part!
  • I posted my photo with the hashtags, but you haven’t “liked” my photo yet. Why not? If it has been more than 48 hours without me liking it, then I probably can’t see it. This happens if your account is set to Private. You can either set it to Public during the summer, or send me a message through Instagram and ask me to Friend you. Once you approve that request from me, I’ll be able to see what you post.
  • I’m a Maker/Designer/Shop and would like to donate some of my things for prizes. How do I contact you? You can email me at: We would LOVE to have you donate to Camp prizes!
  • Do I need to purchase my supplies from your shop in order to participate? You do not. However, if you do order from us, please leave us an order note that you’re participating in Camp, so that we can add our Camp floss drop cards and Camp sticker to your package. We always very much appreciate your orders!