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Sally Stansfield 1841 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers


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Sally's sampler is stunning because the beautiful red house with blue roof takes center stage. If you love houses (and the color red), this is one for you. The sampler verse is stitched over one.

Stitch Count: 221 W x 207 H

Model Fabric: 36 count Straw by Weeks Dye Works
(or whatever fabric you prefer)

Design size on 36 count: 12.28" x 11.50"


AVAS d'Alger: 1423, 2925 (x 2), 2932, 3416, 3724, 3741, 3745, 3746, 3815, 3835

Or DMC Conversion: 336, 816 (x 2), 760, 3371, 3011, 738, 830, 829, 833, 640

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